Well, we didn't make it to Iqaluit today. The winds howled during the morning (not enough to close our office!) which grounded all the planes in the Kivalliq region. The good news is that the winds have subsided and we hope to get out tomorrow. The government has chartered a plane to take us from Rankin Inlet to Iqaluit tomorrow, so we just need to get to Rankin. Again, we'll keep our fingers crossed that we can get out tomorrow!
While the storm makes for great viewing (from indoors, of course), it also has an affect on the wildlife. Whenever the weather turns really cold and especially during blizzards, it is very common for wolves to come towards our town looking for food. Some will actually make their way into town, causing the schools to put an alert out so that children don't play on the playground or walk home alone.
When they are hungry, the wolves will seek out dogs or other small animals. A few nights ago, I could hear the dog sled teams that live across the street from me barking ferociously. My colleagues tell me that it was probably wolves, as that property backs onto a hill at the edge of town, and wolves are frequently sighted there. Thankfully, I didn't hear any sounds that would make me think the wolves were successful in their hunt for "domesticated" food.
The wolves in this area tend to be grey wolves but the region also has the white or arctic wolf. I've included a picture of an arctic wolf that someone else took. And even though you might think that the wolf would be the scariest predator that the locals have to be on the watch for, that wouldn't be true. There is one more wild animal that will make its way into town that creates even more fear. Do you know what it is? It starts with a "w". I'll tell you what it is in my next blog!